ADR Group Whistleblowing
ADR Group Whistleblowing
Do not use this page for complaints, communications or suggestions on passenger services. Please consult the dedicated ADR channel available at the following link:
USE THE WHISTLEBLOWING CHANNELS IF YOU WANT TO REPORT violations related to rules/regulations, the Code of Ethics, the Code of Conduct, Model 231, the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Conflict of Interest Management Procedure, the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption, the Company's regulatory framework (policies and procedures) or news of events that could cause damage to ADR's assets or image.
USE THE WHISTLEBLOWING CHANNELS IF YOU WANT TO REPORT violations related to rules/regulations, the Code of Ethics, the Code of Conduct, Model 231, the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Conflict of Interest Management Procedure, the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption, the Company's regulatory framework (policies and procedures) or news of events that could cause damage to ADR's assets or image.
The ADR Group Companies have implemented a Whistleblowing Management process, updated in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 24 of 10 March 2023 on the Implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and laying down provisions regarding the protection of persons who report breaches of national laws.
The Whistleblowing Team members are the Head of (i) Internal Audit (acting as Coordinator), (ii) Human Capital, Organization & Procurement, (iii) General Counsel & Compliance, iv) CFO, v) Risk Governance & Compliance.
In order to ensure the effectiveness of the reporting process and to provide broad and indiscriminate access to all those who wish to make a whistleblowing disclosure, ADR makes available a range of alternative reporting channels, specifically
- information technology platform, accessible by all Whistleblowers (Employees, Third Parties, etc.) on ADR's website, which allows reports to be made in written and oral form;
- e-mail, at the e-mail address:;
- postal mail, to the address: ADR S.p.A., Team Segnalazioni ADR, Via Pier Paolo Racchetti 1, 00054 Fiumicino (RM).
Reports can also be made orally by calling the voice mailbox on +39 02/81480081, entering the code 4289 and following the instructions of the voicemail.
The confidentiality of reports is secured by tone and voice distortion systems.
In addition to the above channels, oral reports may also be made through a direct contact with the Whistleblowing Team or one or more of its members, at the request of the whistleblower.
Whenever possible, the use of the first channel (information technology platform) is preferred. Similarly, although anonymous whistleblowing is a feasible alternative in ADR, the ADR Group Companies suggest that whistleblowers prefer to use nominative whistleblowing, for the benefit of the speed and effectiveness of investigations.
The platform makes it possible to select the ADR Group companies to which the report is deemed to refer, if known, so that it can be promptly directed to the proper management channels.
For details on the guarantees and protections for the Whistleblower and reported person, please refer to the Whistleblowing Policy, available on this webpage.
What can you report?
The Whistleblowing Management System, in accordance with Legislative Decree 24/2023, is aimed at Top Management, members of the Corporate Bodies, employees (e.g. direct, indirect, trainees, interns) and third parties in general (e.g. customers, suppliers and consultants) who are entitled to make a report if they have information about violations - i.e. conduct, acts or omissions that harm the public interest or the integrity of the company or the Group - (or alleged violations) of
- Laws and Regulations;
- Code of Ethics;
- Model 231;
- Anti-Corruption Policy;
- Conflict of Interest Management Procedure;
- Management System for the Prevention of Corruption;
- Internal corporate regulatory framework (policies, procedures, etc.);
In accordance with Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 and the Whistleblowing Policy, the whistleblower will be notified, through the channel used, of receipt of the report within 7 days from receipt and will be provided with feedback on the follow-up to the report within 3 months from receipt.
Complaints, claims or requests related to an interest of a personal nature of the person making the report, which relate exclusively to his individual work relations, or inherent to his work relations with hierarchically superior figures, do not fall within the scope of Legislative Decree 24/2023 and therefore of this Policy.
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- 2019 Charges Proposal
- Dynamic tariff proposal 2017/2021
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