Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy



This Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DE&I) policy aims to

  • Foster and promote a culture of diversity, a fundamental value of the concept of equality and inclusion that the Aeroporti di Roma Group (hereinafter Aeroporti di Roma) upholds in its own way of doing business, following the principles of respect for diversity, equality and inclusion (DE&I) defined in the Mundys S.p.A. holding company guidelines.
  • Ensure equal conditions and opportunities for every employee, regardless of age, sex/gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity/culture, religion, physical condition and disability, economic status, trade union/political opinion and others.
  • Inform all employees of their rights and obligations to prevent and eliminate any discriminatory behaviour and to promote a working environment that ensures respect for the dignity of each individual.

To respect and fulfil these commitments, the company has equipped itself, starting with top management, with relevant objectives, organisational supervision, active participation mechanisms and monitoring and control tools. In particular:

  • Institute a Monitoring and Control Body within the Sustainability Committee to support the DE&I challenges, with both internal and external representatives, who, at the same time as the Committee, monitor trends, projects and metrics against defined targets;
  • Create a DE&I culture as an integrated element of all business processes (selection, training, performance and development tools, organisational redesign, compensation, innovation, sustainability, people care & welfare);
  • Measure progress through the creation and continuous monitoring of a dashboard, summarising KPIs, renamed KHI (Key Human Indicators);
  • Share a document defining 'The Minimum Commitment’ of all Aeroporti di Roma workers to accept and promote the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion.


Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A. has drawn up this Policy for the entire ADR Group, distributed to all employees, given to new recruits and made it available on the company's website to all stakeholders, including employees, suppliers and partners.

Aeroporti di Roma, as a subsidiary of Mundys S.p.A. and a signatory to the Global Compact, defines this Policy by reference to the constitutional principles of equal opportunities between men and women, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Mundys Group Code of Ethics adopted by Aeroporti di Roma.


As provided for in the Mundys S.p.A. Code of Ethics adopted by ADR, Aeroporti di Roma intends to promote the best well-being conditions within the company. Respect for human rights is the cornerstone of this commitment, guaranteeing all employees the right to be treated with equal dignity and respect, including all forms of diversity.

Inclusion is expressed in the values chosen to represent the culture that the company acts on every day towards employees, passengers, carriers, institutions and the market:

  • Integrity
  • Inclusivity
  • Passion
  • Boldness

Aeroporti di Roma respects equality, values the uniqueness of every human being, recognises the subjectivity of emotions, ideas, beliefs, abilities and possibilities, and creates a working environment based on the principles of equality and protection of the freedom, dignity and inviolability of the person, inspired by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as referred to in the Mundys S.p.A. Guidelines.

Every person who works in our company is recognised as having the inalienable right to be respected for the choices he or she makes every day in living his or her life through his or her feelings, ideas, beliefs, abilities and potential, and with respect for the community to which he or she belongs.

The policy represents the way in which Aeroporti di Roma guarantees the respect of fundamental rights in the inclusive working environment:

  • The right to equality - Respect for diversity
  • Right to freedom of expression - Respect for the perspective of others
  • Right to quality time - Respect for work-life balance
  • Right to education - Respect for personal development - Lifelong learning
  • Right to personal and professional security - Respect for personal and social security
  • Right to employability - Respect for working conditions

Right to equality - Respect for diversity

As defined in the Code of Ethics, Aeroporti di Roma guarantees equal opportunities, equal dignity and impartial treatment to all its employees and does not tolerate any form of discrimination and/or harassment.

All employees are treated solely on the basis of their professional skills and competences and any form of direct or indirect discrimination is prohibited:

  1. ‘Direct discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably on grounds of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation than another is, has been or would be treated in a comparable situation’;
  2. ‘indirect discrimination: when an apparently neutral provision, criterion, practice, act, covenant or conduct may place persons professing a particular religion or other ideology, persons with disabilities, persons of a particular age or sexual orientation at a particular disadvantage compared to other persons’;
  3. ‘Harassment that is unwanted conduct, based on discriminatory grounds, which has the purpose or effect of violating a person's dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment’.

Aeroporti di Roma works every day to overcome all barriers that weaken the free expression of each person and instead enhance the different connotations, characteristics and facets that each person can express because the diversity of perspectives anticipates and reflects the needs and expectations of all our stakeholders. This is why we invest in making this competence a lever for action and generating business value.

The element that makes it possible to guarantee the right to equality is the creation of the Monitoring and Control Body, which monitors compliance with the path towards inclusion and diversity objectives. In addition, the same body receives the HCO's reports on any violations of this Policy that are reported to the relevant ‘Reporting Team’.

Right to Freedom of Expression - Respect for the Other's Perspective

A work environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves is where equality is truly guaranteed. No one should feel intimidated from expressing their point of view.

To strengthen the culture of maximum freedom of expression, Aeroporti di Roma plans initiatives and processes to regularly gather feedback from all its employees (engagement surveys, listening sessions, focus groups, etc.).

The culture underpinning this commitment builds, day after day, an organisation based on partnership and collaboration between managers and employees, colleagues and with all internal and external stakeholders.

The manager-employee relationship is nurtured by constant comparison and feedback, stimulated by systems and tools that promote open dialogue to build a relationship in which respect and openness to the other's perspective are part of a concrete agenda of measurable behaviours.

The courage to try new ways of doing things and expressing new ideas allows one to be open to all that is new, to move out of one's comfort zone and to turn the mistakes one makes in one's career into opportunities for learning and growth.

The right to quality time - respect for work-life balance

The working environment should support the possibility of people not having to change their identity by stepping out of their personal life into a professional one. Believing in the organisation's well-being means promoting the balance between the two identities that characterise the personal and the professional.

At Aeroporti di Roma, people deserve a qualitatively satisfying work experience through simplification, essentiality and the ability to make complexity understandable through a work organisation that is increasingly based on empowering the individual and respecting the balance between personal and professional commitments.

To support this culture, Aeroporti di Roma has introduced a series of listening and discussion initiatives to monitor the well-being of its employees regularly.


Right to education - Respect for personal development - Lifelong learning

Education is how a company can enable the development of its employees as a lever for the improvement of the entire professional community.

Aeroporti di Roma believes that the first sponsor of development is the individual himself and therefore supports an organisation where the individual can feel part of his own development.

The capacity for continuous learning, defined as ‘learning agility’, is recognised as one of Aeroporti di Roma's core competencies, as a lever for developing progress and the ability to accompany change.

The company invests in the potential that each individual can achieve, supporting the skills of its employees to promote their employability and improve their contribution to the community and economic and social development.

Managers are the first to be able to build and lead by example the competencies of their employees, encouraging the exchange of cultures, work experiences, knowledge and skills of individuals. The teams with the highest levels of cross-integration are those with the greatest differences, and the whole Group has the opportunity to benefit from the exchange of these perspectives.

These are the inclusive and sustainable leadership qualities we want to build for our people at Aeroporti di Roma.

Right to personal and professional security - Respect for personal and social security

Aeroporti di Roma constantly strives to meet the health and safety requirements that every human being seeks in his or her working environment, guaranteeing a health and safety policy aimed at the well-being of its employees, passengers and the airport community.

Representing diversity and understanding differences also means recognising the different moments in life that cause our emotions and needs to change over time. People are not always the same, and this is where the concept of 'life personas' helps to read welfare situations and understand what protections and supports can help colleagues at different moments in their lives.

Right to employability - respect for working conditions

Aeroporti di Roma monitors the employability of its resources, creating a working environment where individuals feel they belong and can contribute to their work.

Respect for equal career opportunities and employment protection is the meeting point of value creation, understood as the synthesis of the company's contribution and that of the individual employee.



Aeroporti di Roma verifies the effective compliance with the Policy through specific guidelines and monitoring tools, such as

  • Periodic risk identification and assessment on DE&I issues;
  • A system for reporting violations and a system of sanctions provided for in the Code of Ethics;
  • Stakeholder dialogue activities;
  • The activities of the monitoring and control body;
  • KHI Monitoring Dashboard.

Within the scope of its direct responsibilities, management ensures the implementation of activities and objectives by promoting an inclusive management culture.

Human Capital & Organisation, Health & Safety aims to develop the company's diversity, equality and inclusion strategy, design the portfolio of programmes and initiatives, and undertake the associated benchmarking, monitoring and reporting analysis to promote management accountability.

The DE&I Monitoring and Control Body monitors the progress of the programmes.

BREACH of Policy

According to the Aeroporti di Roma "Whistleblowing Management" procedure, it is possible to send reports on possible violations, behaviours, and practices that do not comply with the provisions of this Policy and the Code of Ethics.

Employees who feel that they are being harassed or discriminated against are invited to report this immediately to the relevant Aeroporti di Roma reporting team through the channels provided in the same procedure.

Any violation of this Policy may lead to the application of disciplinary measures against the offending parties, following the provisions of the Code of Ethics, the law and the applicable CCNL.

Any violations of this Policy reported to the Reporting Team will be reported to the Monitoring and Control Body.