Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
14 September 2021
Eni and Aeroporti di Roma (ADR) have signed a strategic agreement to promote decarbonization initiatives in the aviation sector and accelerate the ecological transition of airports.

Green pass
24 August 2021
Aeroporti di Roma would like to inform you that from the 1st September coming, based on Italian Legislative Decree no. 111 of 6 August 2021, in order to travel by air on all flights departing from or arriving at Italian airports, it is compulsory to have a Green pass (*) or equivalent certificates. Please note that, according to the regulations in force, it is the airlines’ responsibility to carry out the Green pass checks in order for passengers to access their transport services.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
6 August 2021
Aeroporti di Roma informs that Fiumicino airport’s Terminal 1 check-in area – which was closed on March 17, 2020, due to the Covid-19 emergency - will be operational again from August 6.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
5 August 2021
Aeroporti di Roma would like to inform you that from 6th August, Terminal 1 at Fiumicino Airport, (which has been closed since 17th March, 2020 due to the cancellation of flights to and from Italy caused by the Covid-19 health emergency) will be operational again and completely renovated.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
4 August 2021
Passengers are advised that from 6th August, as required by Legislative Decree 23 July 2021, n. 105, in order to use restaurant facilities in the Fiumicino and Ciampino airports a Green Pass must be shown – the green Covid-19 certification which can be issued after the administration of the first vaccine dose and is valid from the fifteenth subsequent day until the schedule date for the administration of the second dose (in the case of a double-dose vaccine), the successful recovery from Covid-19 and the performance of a Rapid or Molecular Antigenic Test for the Sars-Cov-2 Virus with negative results.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
3 August 2021
Enel Italia and Aeroporti di Roma (ADR) come together for innovation: the two companies have signed an agreement to develop solutions to help achieve the objectives of the energy transition, sustainability and digital transformation in the airport sector.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 August 2021
Terminal 1 expected to reopen by mid-August

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 August 2021
Terminal 1 expected to reopen by mid-August

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
28 July 2021
New historical record in passenger satisfaction for Fiumicino airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
28 July 2021
New historical record in passenger satisfaction for Fiumicino airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
27 July 2021
Fiumicino is the first airport in Italy to open a fast-track vaccination point, in addition to the health hub operational at the Long Stay Car Park, since 11th February 2021

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
25 July 2021
As a result of a 4 hours strike scheduled for the 26th July, 2021, some flights may be delayed or cancelled.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
21 July 2021
Fiumicino July 21, 2021 – Aeroporti di Roma (ADR) and Aena have just signed the first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) focused on innovation between two international airport operators.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
15 July 2021
Fiumicino: biometric recognition gets underway for passengers departing with Delta Air Lines

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
15 July 2021

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 July 2021
“A Second Renaissance - Flying Away From Covid”, Tvboy's street art to celebrate the relaunch

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 July 2021
Aeroporti di Roma launches a new message of positivity through art and culture, key drivers of our country. It does so on the day that symbolises the relaunch, with the entry into force of the European Green Pass and when all of Italy is in the white zone.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
25 June 2021
Airports: Aeroporti 2030 is founded to relaunch innovation, digitalisation and sustainability.The airports of Rome, Venice, Treviso, Verona and Brescia, accounting for approximately 40% of the traffic in Italy, are members

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
25 June 2021
The airports of Rome, Venice, Treviso, Verona and Brescia, accounting for approximately 40% of the traffic in Italy, are members

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
25 June 2021
Today, Aeroporti di Roma presented the new proposal for the Airport Development Plan to Users of Fiumicino and Ciampino airports. Until the end of the concession in 2046, the Plan provides for an additional €8.2 billion in investments, in addition to the approximately €1.8 billion already invested from 2012 to date, for a total of approximately €10 billion.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
25 June 2021
Today, Aeroporti di Roma presented the new proposal for the Airport Development Plan to Users of Fiumicino and Ciampino airports.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
18 June 2021
On the coordination of new services, technologies and infrastructures for the future of sustainable mobility

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
18 June 2021
ADR teams up with the global innovation platform to pursue a unique open innovation strategy

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
26 May 2021
By the summer, 12 intercontinental flights are expected to be operated with this experimental procedure from the United States, Canada, Japan and the United Arab Emirates

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
26 May 2021
By the summer, 12 intercontinental flights are expected to be operated with this experimental procedure from the United States, Canada, Japan and the United Arab Emirates

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
3 May 2021
Aeroporti di Roma informs passengers that, following operational changes, a new infrastructure has been set up at Fiumicino Airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
22 April 2021
First airport in the world to launch a Sustainability-Linked bond, which directly links the cost of debt to the sustainability results actually achieved. Troncone: “Environmental sustainability is no longer just an option but a necessity, and the decarbonisation of the sector is a goal that we take seriously. This is why we want to be pioneers in adopting solutions that preserve the connectivity of the future”.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
22 April 2021
First airport in the world to launch a Sustainability-Linked bond, which directly links the cost of debt to the sustainability results actually achieved. Troncone: “Environmental sustainability is no longer just an option but a necessity, and the decarbonisation of the sector is a goal that we take seriously. This is why we want to be pioneers in adopting solutions that preserve the connectivity of the future”.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
13 April 2021
Aeroporti di Roma informs passengers departing from Ciampino Airport that swab samples for COVID-19 testing cannot be carried out at the airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
7 April 2021
Sustainability: Fiumicino and Ciampino airports are the first in Europe to achieve the Airport Carbon Accreditation 4+ from ACI Europe.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
7 April 2021
Troncone: “We’re aiming for zero C02 emissions by 2030, long in advance of the European references for the sector, with a plan mainly aimed at renewable sources and electric mobility”

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 April 2021
CORONAVIRUS: ADR-Spallanzani agreement signed to carry out antigen or molecular tests directly at the airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 April 2021
CORONAVIRUS: ADR-Spallanzani agreement signed to carry out antigen or molecular tests directly at the airport

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
31 March 2021
Marco Troncone in the Transport Commission of the Chamber “Disseminating the ADR model nationally and to strategic destinations for the country to support the recovery of tourism, also in view of the next summer season”. Accelerating the digitalisation of processes in harmony with the European Digital Green Pass

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
30 March 2021
The Board of Directors of Aeroporti di Roma, which met today in an extraordinary session, has appointed Prof. Claudio De Vincenti as President of Aeroporti di Roma.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
30 March 2021
The Board of Directors of Aeroporti di Roma, which met today in an extraordinary session, has appointed Prof. Claudio De Vincenti as President of Aeroporti di Roma.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
18 March 2021
Aeroporti di Roma informs that starting from tomorrow 19 March 2021 a paid service of rapid antigenic swab testing will be available every day, during the time slot 24:00 – 16:00, at the price of 20 euros.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
12 March 2021
Coronavirus: Prime Minister Mario Draghi visits the vaccination centre of the lazio region at Fiumicino airport

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
12 March 2021
Troncone: “Since the start of the pandemic, we have continued to ensure maximum support for the institutions in dealing with the emergency. Since the centre opened on 11 February, almost 30,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered.”

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
12 March 2021
The 2020 results during the time of an unprecedented crisis due to COVID-19, which ADR has faced by ensuring the operation of the airport at all times and giving priority to the safety of passengers and staff. Quality of services, Safety, Sustainability and Innovation are the keys on which the Group is aiming to accelerate its recovery by orienting itself towards an agile operating model.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 March 2021
For the fourth time, Fiumicino airport has won the Airports Council International award among European airports with more than 40 million passengers a year.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 March 2021
For the fourth time, Fiumicino airport has won the Airports Council International award among European airports with more than 40 million passengers a year.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
24 February 2021
The CEO of Rome Airports, Marco Troncone, has issued a statement following the sudden death of the Chairman, Antonio Catricalà

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
24 February 2021
The CEO of Rome Airports, Marco Troncone, has issued a statement following the sudden death of the Chairman, Antonio Catricalà.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
24 February 2021
Rome Airports expresses dismay, great sadness and deep condolences for the sudden death of the company's president, Prof. Antonio Catricalà

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
24 February 2021
Rome Airports expresses dismay, great sadness and deep condolences for the sudden death of the company's president, Prof. Antonio Catricalà

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 February 2021
Aeroporti di Roma hereby informs you that, due to maintenance works, from 10.30 pm on Monday 1st February to 1.30 am on Tuesday 2nd February the “Rapid COVID 19 Swab" service provided at the Drive-In centre at the Fiumicino Airport Long-Stay carpark will be suspended; admission will therefore be permitted until 22.00 on 1st February 2021.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
28 January 2021
National strike of ENAV staff on 29 January 2021

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
20 January 2021
Aeroporti di Roma hereby informs you that, due to maintenance works, from 00:30 to 08:00 on Friday 22 January 2021, the “Rapid COVID 19 Swab" service provided at the Drive-In centre at the Fiumicino Airport Long-Stay carpark will be suspended; admission will therefore be permitted until 23:30 on 21 January 2021.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
5 January 2021
ADR and Alitalia start digitalising negativity certificates on Rome-New York Covid-tested flights.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
28 December 2020
Passengers are advised that, as a result of Brexit, as of 1 January 2021, passengers with UK (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) passports will no longer be able to use the passport booths dedicated to EU travellers when crossing the border. Passengers with UK passports will need to use the “All Passports” booths.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
20 December 2020
Please be informed that, as a result of the Order of the Ministry of Health, flights from Great Britain and Northern Ireland have been cancelled.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
18 December 2020
The company contributes to the opening of safe traffic corridors between Italy and the United States as a path towards economic recovery

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
4 December 2020
Alitalia - ADR: From December 8, Covid-tested flights to and from New York without obligation to quarantine for passengers

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
2 December 2020

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
25 November 2020
The placement of the first Green Bond for the Airports of Rome, with requests for over 12 times the offer, ended successfully, dedicated to institutional investors.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
14 November 2020
Aeroporti di Roma reports that, due to the new sharp decline in passenger traffic, it has prepared a further plan to downsize the infrastructural layout of Fiumicino airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
22 October 2020
This initiative, which has involved artists from all over the world, is part of a project aimed at enhancing the architecture at the Leonardo da Vinci airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
22 October 2020
This initiative, which has involved artists from all over the world, is part of a project aimed at enhancing the architecture at the Leonardo da Vinci airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
16 October 2020
At the Arrivals Terminal at Ciampino Airport, in the baggage reclaim area, an Antigenic Test can be carried out.