4 July 2024
The 2024 award by the international industry association ACI EUROPE is shared ex-aequo with iGA Istanbul Airport, is made. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ Airport also wins the ‘Digital Transformation Award’ for its commitment to airport innovation

4 July 2024
The 2024 award by the international industry association ACI EUROPE is shared ex-aequo with iGA Istanbul Airport, is made. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ Airport also wins the ‘Digital Transformation Award’ for its commitment to airport innovation.

3 July 2024
Please note that, due to a strike of CUB Trasporti called for 5th July from 1pm to 5pm, flights may be delayed or cancelled.

28 June 2024
Due to congestion of national and European airspace, possible delays and cancellations are expected.

26 June 2024
Availability to sell the stake to facilitate the start of the share reorganisation confirmed. Operation in full synergy with the Municipality of Genoa.