Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
31 March 2022
The European Commission launched the Single European Sky project in 1999, which aims to better organise air traffic to make it more efficient, competitive and safe, reducing the fragmentation that follows the borders of national states. SESAR - "Single European Sky ATM Research" - a research project for the management of air traffic in the Single European Sky, is the enabler of this ambitious goal.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
31 March 2022
The European Commission launched the Single European Sky project in 1999, which aims to better organise air traffic to make it more efficient, competitive and safe, reducing the fragmentation that follows the borders of national states. SESAR - "Single European Sky ATM Research" - a research project for the management of air traffic in the Single European Sky, is the enabler of this ambitious goal.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
29 March 2022
Passengers are advised that the Vax&Go vaccine point in Terminal 1 departures and the vaccination area at the Long Stay parking will close permanently on 31 March.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
28 March 2022
For the first time, Qantas will connect Continental Europe and Australia with a non-stop flight between Rome and Perth. Strong signs of recovery for the summer season on the North American and European market

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
28 March 2022
For the first time, Qantas will connect Continental Europe and Australia with a non-stop flight between Rome and Perth. Strong signs of recovery for the summer season on the North American and European market

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
24 March 2022
Rome Fiumicino Airport is increasing the availability of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel), an aviation biofuel made from renewable raw materials capable of supporting the reduction of CO2 emissions in the aviation sector.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
24 March 2022
Rome Fiumicino Airport is increasing the availability of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel), an aviation biofuel made from renewable raw materials capable of supporting the reduction of CO2 emissions in the aviation sector.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
23 March 2022
Please note that as of 27 March 2022, check-in operations by carriers:

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
17 March 2022
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, with CEO Luigi Ferraris, and Aeroporti di Roma, with CEO Marco Troncone, have signed an agreement to develop sustainable intermodality and integration between rail and air. The presentation of the agreement, at Fiumicino's Leonardo da Vinci airport, was attended by Fiumicino Mayor Esterino Montino, Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri, ENAC President Pierluigi Di Palma and Lazio Region President Nicola Zingaretti.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
17 March 2022
Integration of sales systems to carry out passenger and baggage check-in operations directly in the main Italian railway stations connected to Fiumicino airport.