
Fiumicino, 19 April 2017 – New absolute record for “Leonardo da Vinci” airport with regard to quality of services to passengers. According to the independent survey carried out by ACI - Airport Council International, the international association that measures perceived quality in over 250 airports all over the world through passenger interviews - Fiumicino has again achieved the first place in terms of passenger satisfaction in the first quarter of 2017 among the largest EU airports, achieving the historical record of an overall score of 4.34 points (out of a maximum of 5).
Already in the third quarter of 2016 the Roman hub had positioned itself at the top of the list, which includes large EU airports such as Monaco, London, Madrid, Paris and Amsterdam.
This further step forward has allowed it to overtake even the quality of smaller but very efficient European airports, such as Zurich and Copenhagen.
The Roman hub has been scaling the relevant list since 2013, moving from the bottom of the list to first place.
The new record for 2017 has been made possible, first of all, by the opening of the new “E” International Area, inaugurated on 21st December of last year and which has already become a reference point at global level in terms of comfort, convenience and quality of shopping, and the variety of food and wine on offer, as well as for its cultural entertainment initiatives. Furthermore, passengers’ appreciation for the main airport procedures at Leonardo da Vinci such as security checks (for the courtesy of the staff, accuracy and speed) and passport controls (for the speed of the service, achieved also thanks to the installation by ADR of 32 eGates for the digital reading of European documents) has been confirmed.The general cleanliness of the Terminal and airport comfort have also improved, as well as operational services passengers are very sensitive to, such as the cleanliness of toilets and availability of trolleys. A positive trend, finally, also for accessibility to the airport by public transport (train, bus) and for the quality of ADR parking services, which have been recently refurbished by the operator.
“We had already reached excellent results last year, thanks to the passion and attention of all personnel at ADR and at the various airport operators, which had made us the best European hub with more than 40 million passengers. All this while operating with obsolete and, in some cases, undersized structures” declared Giovanni Castellucci, CEO of Atlantia. “The opening of the new boarding and commercial areas – he explained - has allowed us today to make a further leap upwards in terms of quality of service. The improvement work, however, is not over. ADR plans to increase the Terminal’s capacity to around 60 million passengers by 2022, continuing to improve the structures within the current base, as it is at present” Castellucci concluded.
“The record reached today is a significant result for our airport and for the city of Rome” Ugo de Carolis, CEO of Aeroporti di Roma, declared. “Every day – he continued - we work to put the passenger at the centre of our efforts, combining infrastructure capacity, hospitality, new technologies, attention to detail. In this way we continue to attract new international traffic to our airport, with a growth in the number of travellers which generates positive responses across the productive system in Rome and Lazio overall”
Aeroporti di Roma, an Atlantia Group company, manages and develops the airports of Rome Fiumicino and Ciampino and carries out other activities related and complementary to airport management. Fiumicino operates through four passenger terminals. It is dedicated to business and leisure customers on national, international and intercontinental routes; Ciampino is mainly used by low-cost airlines, express couriers and for General Aviation activities. In 2016, ADR recorded, as an airport system, over 47 million passengers with over 230 destinations worldwide that can be reached from Rome, thanks to around 100 airlines operating at the two airports.
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