18 July 2016
The company Aeroporti di Roma immediately imposed the maximum financial penalty on handling company Aviapartner for its methods of managing the Iberia flight, bound for Vigo, the images of which were reported by certain news sites. The handler, having moved the aircraft, which was pushed by the aircraft’s staff instead of by using its own means (push-back), was in fact responsible for breaching the procedures provided for by the airport regulations for moving aircraft and vehicles within the "airside" area.

18 July 2016
The problem was caused by the interruption of the Fastweb line and the consequent block of the Sita system

18 July 2016
The problem was caused by the interruption of the Fastweb line and the consequent block of the Sita system

16 July 2016
Due to the situation in Turkey, flights to and from this destination could have operational changes

14 July 2016
ADR: the procedures for retails areas represent international best practice and guarantee quality to passengers