Press releases


Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
5 August 2015
With reference to the alleged revelation reported today on press agencies, Aeroporti di Roma wishes to specify that no real estate operation is being planned for Fiumicino Sud. Any hypothesis on the valorisation of airport areas is to be considered as not responding to actual facts.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
2 August 2015
ADR: new record of passengers during the week end

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
31 July 2015
ADR: all-time record yesterday with 154,000 passengers

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
30 July 2015
Aeroporti di Roma communicates that from 12.10 pm electrical lines have been restored throughout the airport, which is now fully operating.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
29 July 2015
With reference to today's statement by the CEO of Alitalia, Mr. Silvano Cassano

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 July 2015
ADR confirms that all the values detected since the beginning of air quality analysis have always remained below the thresholds indicated for workplaces. Furthermore, a downwards trend has been recorded, as is also confirmed by CNR studies.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
26 May 2015
No reference to dioxin in the writ of sequestration. The presence of dioxin has always been lower to international regulatory limits.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
25 May 2015
With reference to the press articles reporting the alleged presence of dioxin in the areas involved by the fire occurred between last 6 and 7 May at Terminal 3 of Fiumicino Airport, ADR informs that no alert has been issued by ARPA or ASL Roma D, or by any other competent body, to confirm the presence of such chemical.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
8 May 2015
ADR: no interruption for molo c works

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
8 May 2015
From this morning, the world-leading disaster recovery specialist Belfor is operating for the reclaiming and restoration of the areas affected by yesterday's fire. 250 flights have been operated since this morning.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
7 May 2015
Aeroporti di Roma communicates that flights are gradually going back to normal schedules at Fiumicino-Leonardo da Vinci airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
7 May 2015
After the executive meeting held today at Enac headquarters, the panel including all the airport bodies decided to activate the first flight departures starting from 12.00 am, according to the availability of airlines.