Press releases


Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
7 April 2021
Troncone: “We’re aiming for zero C02 emissions by 2030, long in advance of the European references for the sector, with a plan mainly aimed at renewable sources and electric mobility”

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
1 April 2021
CORONAVIRUS: ADR-Spallanzani agreement signed to carry out antigen or molecular tests directly at the airport

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
31 March 2021
Marco Troncone in the Transport Commission of the Chamber “Disseminating the ADR model nationally and to strategic destinations for the country to support the recovery of tourism, also in view of the next summer season”. Accelerating the digitalisation of processes in harmony with the European Digital Green Pass

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
30 March 2021
The Board of Directors of Aeroporti di Roma, which met today in an extraordinary session, has appointed Prof. Claudio De Vincenti as President of Aeroporti di Roma.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
12 March 2021
Troncone: “Since the start of the pandemic, we have continued to ensure maximum support for the institutions in dealing with the emergency. Since the centre opened on 11 February, almost 30,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered.”