
Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
14 November 2020
Aeroporti di Roma reports that, due to the new sharp decline in passenger traffic, it has prepared a further plan to downsize the infrastructural layout of Fiumicino airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
22 October 2020
This initiative, which has involved artists from all over the world, is part of a project aimed at enhancing the architecture at the Leonardo da Vinci airport.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
16 October 2020
At the Arrivals Terminal at Ciampino Airport, in the baggage reclaim area, an Antigenic Test can be carried out.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
14 October 2020
The online pre-acceptance system enabling passengers to receive swabbing at Fiumicino airport, is available for all passengers arriving from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (after having stayed there or having transited through these countries the 14 days prior to arriving in Italy) and for all passengers departing on Covid-tested flights Alitalia Roma Fiumicino - Milano Linate AZ2038 and AZ2092.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
8 October 2020
Passengers are advised that, as per Order of the Ministry of Health dated 7 October 2020, in force from 8 October to 15 October 2020, all travellers from Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain or those entering/re-entering Italy from these countries (after staying or transiting through these countries within 14 days prior to entering Italy), in addition to filling in a self-certification, must also:

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
5 October 2020
ADR announces its joining of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest international platform of Sustainability. This is the latest confirmation of the company's growing commitment to a responsible business model. A strategy that aims to integrate Sustainability into all of the company’s activities: from environmental protection, to the training of people and the commitment to local development.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
15 September 2020
As of 16 September, a new, even safer way to fly will commence on two flights to Milan Linate, operated by Alitalia (AZ 2038 at 13:30 and AZ 2092 at 17:30), only with passengers on board who have undergone a preventive screening with a negative result for Covid-19 (rapid antigen test or PCR molecular test).

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
2 September 2020
From 1 September (from 15:00), the Lazio Region's new drive-in centre is open at the Long Stay car park at “Leonardo da Vinci” Airport to carry out rapid Covid-19 antigen swabs.

Set up areas dedicated to testing
17 August 2020
Aeroporti di Roma also informs passengers that dedicated areas have been set up at Fiumicino and Ciampino airports which can be used to administer Covid-19 tests to passengers under the order.

Logo ADR - Aeroporti di Roma
14 August 2020
The Lazio Region Covid-19 crisis unit hereby informs you that, as of today, drive-in centres are now in operation for performing swabs on passengers arriving from Croatia, Greece, Malta and Spain, as required by the order of the Ministry of Health dated 12 August 2020.