
25 June 2021
Airports: Aeroporti 2030 is founded to relaunch innovation, digitalisation and sustainability.The airports of Rome, Venice, Treviso, Verona and Brescia, accounting for approximately 40% of the traffic in Italy, are members

25 June 2021
Today, Aeroporti di Roma presented the new proposal for the Airport Development Plan to Users of Fiumicino and Ciampino airports.

26 May 2021
By the summer, 12 intercontinental flights are expected to be operated with this experimental procedure from the United States, Canada, Japan and the United Arab Emirates

3 May 2021
Aeroporti di Roma informs passengers that, following operational changes, a new infrastructure has been set up at Fiumicino Airport.

22 April 2021
First airport in the world to launch a Sustainability-Linked bond, which directly links the cost of debt to the sustainability results actually achieved. Troncone: “Environmental sustainability is no longer just an option but a necessity, and the decarbonisation of the sector is a goal that we take seriously. This is why we want to be pioneers in adopting solutions that preserve the connectivity of the future”.