Runway safety - Apron safety - General Aviation
Runway safety
At the airport, the area dedicated to the movement of aircraft (technically termed Movement area) comprises:
- the Manoeuvring area defined as the section of an airport intended for take-off, landing, and the ground movement of aircraft, with the exception of aircraft aprons. The manoeuvring area consists of runways and taxiways;
- apron means a defined area intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance;
This terminology distinguishes precisely the areas characterized by greater aircraft speed (runway and taxiway), from those used to park the aircraft thus characterized by a lower speed of the aircraft while it enters the area dedicated to parking.
Airports across the world are working to render runways ever more secure. For this reason, Runway Safety is often discussed.
Local Runway Safety Team
It is an Advisory Committee concerned with the analysis and assessment of the operational safety of the runways; it encompasses ADR, the Italian air navigation service provider (ENAV), pilots representing the main Air Operators, and the National Firefighters Corps.
Runway Incursion
The Committee's objective is to reduce the phenomenon of "Runway Incursion/Excursion". Runway incursion means any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
During take-off and landing manoeuvres of an aircraft (technically called active runway) the runway must be clear of any obstacles. All the means, the aircraft, and the people must be allowed access to this area by the Control Tower. When this entry is not authorized or it is improperly authorized (in error and the runway is taken up wrongfully, this refers to a runway incursion.
The design of runways and taxiways, in line with current regulations, limits the possible occurrence of runway incursions.
ADR and the Local Runway Safety Team, through the design of infrastructures and the drafting of specific procedures (such as, for example, the procedure enabling driving in a manoeuvring area) work constantly to remove the risk of Runway Incursion at Fiumicino.
Runway Excursion
Runway excursion occurs when aircraft departs the runway in use during the take-off or landing run.
The areas surrounding the runways, in compliance with current regulations, are designed in such a way as to ensure safety, i.e. free from obstructions and featuring soil characteristics such as to avoid creating a disadvantage for the aircraft that leave the asphalted area in emergency conditions.
ADR and the Local Runway Safety Team, through the design of infrastructures and the drafting of specific procedures (such as, for example, management of emergencies) work constantly to remove the risk of damage to aircraft in case of Runway Excursion at Fiumicino.
ADR's activities to ensure the safety of the movement area
To ensure the proper operation of the airport system and compliance with the rules of conduct, Aeroporti di Roma has established the Operational Safety Board, dedicated to infrastructure control (runways, taxiways, and aprons) and ground floor assistance (follow-me / Marshalling etc.). Operational safety activities related to the movement and parking of aircraft at the airport are carried out according to strict quality standards and consist of:
design and supply of services for the safety of operations pertinent to aircraft traffic;
study of risk factors;
support for rescue vehicles and airport operators in the rescue operations, in hazardous situations for aircraft;
Verification of the compliance with safety of the flight infrastructure, even in adverse weather conditions.
These encompass:
continuous monitoring of infrastructures and the systems used in relation to the aircraft;
compliance with aerodrome operations-related safety standards;
systematic inspection of the friction coefficient of the runways and the presence of water and snow on the flight infrastructure (for the safety of landings and take-offs);
procedures to discourage the presence of and removal of wild fauna in the airport territory, with the assistance of suitable and advanced instrumentation;
management and supervision of construction sites in operational areas.
The management policy adopted provides for a continuous revision and updating of processes, in order to ensure a steady improvement in safety procedures.
Safety Management
Useful links:
*register on ENAV's website to access the link
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) and Notice To Airmen (NOTAM)
ADR recalls the importance of continuously consulting the aeronautical information relating to Fiumicino airport, paying particular attention to NOTAM.
Knowledge of aeronautical information is one of the most effective barriers to ensuring the flight crew's "situational awareness" of the presence of construction sites and other information necessary to ensure the safe take-off, landing and taxiing operations at Fiumicino airport.
*register on ENAV's website to access the link
Reserved area:
Apron safety
Even within aprons that refer to a defined area of the airport intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance, precise regulations are in force that must be followed for safety purposes.
ADR, through the design of infrastructures, the drafting of specific procedures (such as, for example, driving certification, instructions on the proper use of equipment, etc.) and the work of the Safety Committee, acts assiduously to mitigate the risk of accidents in the Apron area.
Private companies working in the Apron area
The operations carried out to facilitate the boarding and disembarkation of passengers and luggage, loading and unloading of cargo, mail and refuelling operations, cleaning of aircraft, etc., are commonly referred to as "Ground operations" and require specialization and certification from the companies that perform them.
These companies are called "Ground Service Providers"(commonly called Handlers), which operate in accordance with Legislative Decree 18/99.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee: is an Advisory Committee established at the Fiumicino Airport, which aims to promote Safety themes and participation in the Safety Management System activities. It encompasses ADR and all the companies and State Entities operating at the airport;
Among the main objectives of the Safety Committee:
- to ensure the participation of all aerodrome operators concerned;
- to involve all aerodrome operators in the Safety objectives;
- to analyse and propose solutions to problems encountered;
- to involve operators in the results of the SMS;
- to analyse jointly any problems found in relation to airport operations, and any proposals for change put forward by the various entities in the Committee.
Apron Safety
Apron service providers at Fiumicino Airport are required to obtain an identification card, which is issued only upon completion of an in-depth course on the main rules to be followed, in order to protect the safety of aircraft and passengers.
Driving of any vehicles in these areas is subject to specific authorization. The circulation of vehicles and cars is subject to strict rules. Access roads and aircraft aprons are designed and built with specific signage dictated by current regulations.
Any irregular or incidental event occurring in the Apron area is analysed with appropriate investigative techniques, aimed at identifying the causes and implementing actions, in order to prevent the re-occurrence of the event.
To ensure the proper operation of the airport system and compliance with the rules of conduct, Aeroporti di Roma has established the Operational Safety Board, dedicated to infrastructure control (runways, taxiways, and aprons) and ground floor assistance (follow-me / Marshalling etc.).
Operational safety activities related to the parking of aircraft at the airport are carried out according to strict quality standards and consist of:
These also encompass:
If you are an operator who is active in a movement area, you must become familiar with the contents of the Aerodrome Manual.
Safety Management
Useful links:
Reserved area:
General Aviation
The ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ airport of Rome - Fiumicino, with the limitations foreseen by AIP AD2, also accepts General Aviation air traffic for activities of the following types: private, individual, corporate, aeroclub, aerial work and business aviation, including air taxi flights. General Aviation activities do not include scheduled, charter or cargo commercial transport.
The Safety Provisions (DDS), Pilot Safety Notice and Safety Notice dedicated to General Aviation are published below in order to facilitate familiarisation with the procedures and local infrastructural characteristics of the FCO aerodrome:
- E-15-06-2024 - Vol.6 - DDS Additional provisions for General Aviation flights (63 kB)
- E-15-07-2024 - DDS Starting up aircraft on apron: ENGINE TEST – ENGINE WASH – LINE MAINTENANCE (52 kB)