30 August 2017
The new assistance service
Cooperation agreement between ADR Assistance and RFI to continually support passengers who require assistance throughout their entire journey, from train to plane.

August saw an extremely positive start for the new integrated train-plane assistance service for passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility, including those temporarily-affected, who arrive at Fiumicino airport by train.

Thanks to a cooperation agreement signed between ADR Assistance, an Aeroporti di Roma company dedicated to assisting passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility, and Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, passengers will be welcomed and assisted by airport staff at Fiumicino Aeroporto railway station. This will significantly improve the comfort of passengers arriving or departing from the airport by train and requiring assistance.

Specifically, the service will provide passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility (PRM) with continual support in all stages prior to and following their flight, from security checks and boarding to baggage collection and purchasing train tickets.

All information regarding how to book the integrated assistance service can be found on both the ADR Assistance and RFI websites.

ADR Assistance provides support for around 320,000 PRM each year, including 33,000 in August alone.