
Fiumicino, 27 October 2015 – Giovan Battista Pastine Airport, Ciampino, celebrates its first centenary. On this occasion, from 27 October to 14 February, Aeroporti di Roma, in partnership with the Ciampino Municipality and the Air Force, is promoting several initiatives designed to trace the history of the airport―which is also, and indissolubly, the history of the city where it is situated―by exploring historical documents.
In 1914, a year before Italy entered the Great War, a Royal Decree declared that “the construction works required to organise civil aviation services in the Province of Rome” were for public benefit. From an urban and demographic perspective, Ciampino was only quite a small farming area at the time. A military technician from the Civil Engineering Office, General Maurizio Mario Moris was deeply convinced of the need to create a large air station for airships in Ciampino. From that moment onwards the city's history has been closely linked to its airport, which was opened in 1916.
The exhibition project promoted by ADR and held in various sites, such as Ciampino Airport, Ciampino city and the Vittoriano Museum Complex in Rome, is designed to relate and underscore this bond. Historical photographs from the Air Force and Istituto Luce - Cinecittà archives, filmed material from Teche Rai, selected documents from private collections, local and national institutions involve the public in a knowledge-centred experience that is not only historical but also architectural, urban and sociological. The initiatives are held under the patronage of the Lazio Regional Administration, Enac and Enav. Project implementation and general organisation are carried out by Comunicare Organizzando.
The Initiatives
Photographic Exhibition
A century of history
Over 100 photographs and historical filmed shots tell us about the history of flight, one hundred years, from airships to current day developments.
Ciampino, Giovan Battista Pastine Airport - 27 October 2015/14 February 2016. Free admission
Rome, Vittoriano Museum Complex, Brasini Wing - 27 October 2015/7 February 2016
Free admission
Promotion and Information Points
Discovering the Centenary
Several theme points will be installed to provide information in each space that hosts the initiative organised to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the Ciampino Airport.
Ciampino, Giovan Battista Pastine Airport - 27 October 2015/14 February 2016. Free admission
Rome, Vittoriano Museum Complex, Brasini Wing - 27 October 2015/7 February 2016
Free admission
Marcella Mencherini
Aeropainting. Wings for history
Over thirty works witness the artistic and creative path of Marcella Mencherini, daughter of artists, who grew up in the dynamic world of Tuscan painting. The extensive selection of paintings designed to celebrate the centenary of “G.B. Pastine” Airport, Ciampino, traces the history of the Air Force from the 1st flight that took off from Rome-Centocelle in 1909, piloted by Wilbur Wright to train the first Italian pilots.
Rome, Vittoriano Museum Complex, Brasini Wing - 28 October 2015/08 November 2015
Free admission
Ciampino. The Airport, The City
Photographs, documents, filmed material and objects witness the close bond between the airport and the urban fabric of Ciampino.
Ciampino, Municipal Council Hall - 25 November 2015/17 January 2016
Free admission
Aeroporti di Roma, a Gruppo Atlantia company, manages and develops the Rome airports Fiumicino and Ciampino, and conducts other collateral activities for airport facility management. Fiumicino operates four passenger terminals. It is dedicated to business and leisure flights to and from national, international and intercontinental destinations. Ciampino is mainly dedicated to low-cost airlines, express couriers and General Aviation activities. In 2014, ADR airports system recorded around 44 million passengers, with over 230 destinations that can be reached from Rome by flying with the over 100 airlines operating from the two airports.
External Communication
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Mobile: +39 3351753281 / 3382098246 / 3451283176
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