
Fiumicino, 11th July 2016 - In operation from today is the new free assistance service for passengers with cancer with reduced mobility departing from and arriving at the main Italian airport. It is comprehensive assistance, primarily concerned with the medical care directly offered at the airport by the Aeroporti di Roma Emergency Department and ADR Assistance, the company of the Group assigned to care for passengers with reduced mobility.
The initiative, among the first of its kind, makes use of close cooperation between ADR and the main hospitals and research centres of the capital, including the Foundation Polyclinic University Agostino Gemelli, the IFO (Hospital Physiotherapy Institutes) Regina Elena and San Gallicano, the Polyclinic University Campus Bio-Medico and the Sant'Andrea and S.Eugenio hospitals.
From a health care point of view, the project includes two types of services activated within ADR Assistance by doctors from the hospitals involved. One type of assistance is provided directly at the ADR Emergency Department, a facility open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which relies on a professional team of doctors and nurses - if the passenger with cancer needs a specialised check-up of a cardiological, pneumological or surgical nature before the flight. The other type of assistance is provided directly in the rooms of ADR Assistance located in the terminal, in cases where a general health check-up is enough.
The airport management company also signed an agreement with the Foundation ANT Italia ONLUS (NGO) - the main non-profit Italian company for free home care activities for people with cancer and cancer prevention - to start a training project aimed at around 300 staff members of ADR Assistance, the company of the Group dedicated to supporting people with disabilities and reduced mobility, to ensure adequate assistance to the sensitive physical and psychological needs of those who travel for health reasons and those weakened as a result of cancer. The training course, conducted by psychologists from ANT, allows operators to meet the requirements, even those more complex and of a communicative nature, of cancer patients in transit in the capital's airport. As reported by ANT, there were 506,000 annual hospitalisations outside the region of residence in 2015 alone (ISTAT source), to which is added a large number of people who embark on a journey to be seen by specialists of various sectors in the short term and with quality assurance.
In 2015, more than 300,000 passengers were assisted by ADR Assistance, 75,000 in the first four months of 2016 alone, among which were many patients travelling through Da Vinci on their way to hospitals of the capital and northern Italy.
With this new initiative Aeroporti di Roma confirms its commitment to offering the highest number of beneficial services to passengers, whatever the nature of the journey that leads them to use the capital's airports.
Aeroporti di Roma, a company of the Gruppo Atlantia, manages and develops the airports of Rome Fiumicino and Ciampino, and performs other activities related and complementary to airport management. Fiumicino operates through four passenger terminals. It is dedicated to business and leisure customers for domestic, international and intercontinental flights; Ciampino is mainly used by low-cost airlines, express couriers and for General Aviation activities. In 2015 ADR (Aeroporti di Roma) recorded, as an airport system, more than 46 million passengers with 240 destinations worldwide reachable from Rome thanks to about 100 airlines operating from the two airports.
The Foundation ANT Italia ONLUS (NGO) is the largest Italian non-profit organisation for free specialised home care assistance activities to people with cancer and cancer prevention. Every day 4,000 people in 10 Italian regions are assisted in their homes from 20 ANT multi-disciplinary teams ensuring hospital type specialised care and social care to cancer patients and their families. ANT has also long been engaged in cancer prevention with early detection projects for melanoma, thyroid, gynecological and breast cancer that have allowed free visits for 125,000 patients in 72 Italian provinces since 2004.
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