Here you will find a list of airlines that operate at the international Rome Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci Airport. For each airline a range of information is shown: logo, address, telephone number, link to website, where provided by the airlines.
The information is updated periodically by the airlines and the handling companies that carry out the ground handling services on behalf of airlines and are, therefore, subject to change.
Logo | |
Airline | AIR EUROPA |
Code | UX |
Is active on Fiumicino | |
Is active on Ciampino | |
terminal |
Address | Via In Arcione, 98 |
City | Roma |
Province | |
Zip | 00187 |
Phone | 0039 02 212802627 - 0034 911401501 |
Fax | +39069790147 | | |
Skype | |
Website | |