Emergency Management


Ciampino Airport regularly carries out, at least once a year, an emergency exercise to test the effectiveness of rescue and management procedures in the event of an aviation incident/accident.


In compliance with the regulatory requirements, specific scenarios are simulated to test the procedures:

  1. Rescue drill: in order to assess the effectiveness of coordination between the various entities involved (Firefighters, Police Forces, Airport Emergency Response, 118, Civil Protection, ADR, ENAV), as well as fire and first aid procedures;
  2. Post-rescue service drill: assisting relatives of persons involved in the event.


The observers present are vigilant on the application of procedures and point out any misalignment, difficulties in applying procedures, and procedural deficiencies.

Thus, the Emergency plan which contains all the procedures, is re-assessed following each drill, re-evaluated and, depending on the findings, promptly amended.

With regard to ambulance services, ADR has an advanced airport health care centre which guarantees the safety of incoming and outgoing passengers, and emergency management until the arrival of 118.



ADR must ensure the presence in the plan of all the coordination procedures useful to handle the event in the times and manners prescribed by the European regulatory framework. Each Body/Company/Aviation Operator is, in turn, responsible for the implementation of procedures related to its role within the airport.

In order to prepare an effective Emergency Plan in compliance with the Best Practices, ADR employed one of the world's most renowned companies for the management of emergency events, i.e. Kenyon.

The Emergency Plan for Ciampino Airport is contained in the section dedicated to the Airport Manual to which reference can be made.