
The principles governing the ADR Group's purchasing activities are based on respect for competition and non-discriminatory practices among potential competitors, transparency of conduct, and efficient and effective corporate action. Moreover, we have given an increasingly central role to Ethics, the Environment, Anti-Corruption, respect for Human Rights and maintaining Safety: all fundamental aspects required to operate in the best possible way.

The aim is to have an increasingly responsible supply chain able to adopt best practices in order to seize opportunities and mitigate any economic, environmental, ethical and social risks.

As a result, the purchasing process assumes an increasingly central role in the creation of value, and suppliers are a fundamental link in the development process oriented towards issues of sustainability.

To underline the importance of these themes for the ADR Group and to monitor the effective application of the principles of sustainability in the supply chain, the company has developed and implemented a vendor rating system that allows ex-ante assessments with regard to Corporate Social Responsibility and economic-financial soundness of the supplier, as well as their services and reliability. A supplier audit programme has also been implemented. The aim is to constantly evaluate and monitor supplier performance in order to avoid critical issues, with a view to establish a process of continuous improvement.

Aeroporti di Roma confirms that as of 1st March 2019, the new Regulation for the awarding of public contracts below the threshold established by EU law came into effect. 


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Atlantia Group's Code of Ethics, adopted by ADR, identifies the essential core values that make up our corporate culture and that are translated into the principles and management policies guiding our everyday actions. 
For Suppliers, compliance with the Code of Ethics is an essential prerequisite for establishing and/or continuing a professional relationship with the Group.