The wings of Leonardo. The genius and flight


The Leonardo Da Vinci airport pays tribute to the great genius in memory of the 500-year anniversary of his death with an exhibit that includes Leonardo’s spectacular flying machines and animations of his designs.

The exhibit itinerary, arranged in the Terminal 1 and Terminal 3 departures area, guides visitors through the discovery of the avant-garde intuitions in the aeronautical field with five spectacular reproductions of the most important Leonardian flying machines, life-size and painstakingly made to be faithful to the original projects: the Flying Man, the Bird Man, the Medium Flying Man, the Flying Vessel and the fan-shaped Flying Machine. Alongside these extraordinary wonders, in a dedicated multimedia area, visitors can interact with Leonardo’s designs on the dynamics of flight and admire the 32 pages of the Code of the flight of birds.

The exhibit, promoted by the Atlantia Group and organised by Aeroporti di Roma - in collaboration with the national committee for Leonardesque celebrations, the Galilei Museum of Florence and Codici Edizione - will remain open through January 2020 and falls under the national programme of the committee for Leonardesque Celebrations.

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