Terminal manager


The Terminal Managers represent the first operating reference for the passenger. They are responsible for the functioning and the decorum of all the service infrastructures, both for the exterior areas of the airport (land-side) - such as vehicular movement, green spaces, external car parks - and for internal areas (air-side) of the Arrivals and Departures Terminals, in addition to the areas of boarding and the baggage claim.

The Terminal Managers instituted by ADR operate in the various terminals and airport areas, ensuring daily functionality throughout the year, 24/7.  Theirs is the task of drawing the attention of the competent business functions to the interventions that need to be carried out, acting in a way to quickly facilitate the adoption of measures that are considered fundamental to ensure the passengers a high standard of quality both in the delivery of services and in use of the facilities and infrastructure.

In detail, Terminal Managers supervise the cleaning by recalling to the structure, if necessary, those responsible for the task. They censure abnormal behaviour of operators of the airport, which could generate adverse effects on the airport, verify any possible computing or infrastructural faults or those arising from the activities of construction. They also supervise the removal of FOD (Foreign Object Debris), which may be present on the runway, downstream of the activity of cleaning of the aeroplanes and the areas of pertinence, performed by the handlers for the airlines.